Please take the link below for 2024 race day photos!



Waves will start in 15-minute increments throughout the day. You must arrive 45 minutes to 1 hour before your start time. You may not check-in more than 1 hour before your start time. Participants will register for the time slot of their choosing. You will be running with people who signed up for your time slot, the waves/heats will not be age specific.


Conquer The Gauntlet Finishers Shirt
CTG Finishers Medal
Race Day Photos


The first place overall male and female Champions will be awarded the champion “Gauntlet” trophy and $300 cash. The second place male and female overall will receive $200 cash, the third place male and female overall will receive $100 cash.

To receive the distinction of the overall 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place champion you must run in the first wave/start time of the day and complete every obstacle. If you fail an obstacle, you must begin that obstacle again. You may attempt the obstacle as many times as you’d like. Those competing for overall in the elite/competitive wave must wear a cloth belt which will be provided by Conquer The Gauntlet™ at the start line. If one chooses to move on from an obstacle, having never completed it successfully, they will turn their ‘belt’ into the obstacle attendant. All Podium Finishers are subject to a potential random drug test.


The Elite wave is always the first wave of the day and is set aside for those looking to run the race competitively, complete all the obstacles successfully and under the Elite wave rules. We have partnered with Heartland Racing Co. for premier timing of the Springfield, MO and Tulsa, OK Elite waves in 2025! Those who complete all the obstacles successfully will turn in their cloth belt at the Finish Line and be given the coveted CTG Elite Wrist Band.

The Elite Wave will have specific rules and regulations and they will be updated under my ownership. The previous Elite Wave rules are at the link below. I’ll update this section when the rules link has been updated. Thank you! Jon Taylor, Owner

Previous: Elite Wave Rules


You are encouraged to bring along as many friends and family as you possibly can to see you Conquer the Gauntlet™.  All spectators will be charged $10 at the entrance.  10 and under are free.  You are more than welcome to bring your own food and drinks, but there will be plenty of items available to purchase.


All spectating is $10 and will be charged at the entrance.  This will provide a course map and access to the entire course.  You must remain off the main running trail and out of the way of the runners.  Ages 10 and under are free.


There will be a 1/2 - 1 mile kids course with approximately 10 obstacles available for kids ages 12 and under. Kids 5 and under can participate but they will need assistance from their parents, if kids 6-12 need assistance that is understood as well. The cost for the kids course is $20. Each participant will receive a medal at the finish line. A parent or guardian must be present and sign a waiver for anyone that is going to be on the course, that is the kid participating and the parent assisting. The Kids course will begin 1 hour after the first wave of the day and end 1 hour after the final wave. Registration will be available on race day.


Valid Photo ID
A signed and initialed copy of the Waiver Form. We will have these available if you forget yours, but you will get registered MUCH faster if you bring one already signed. If you are under 18, the form must be signed by a parent or guardian.


Guns, knives, swords, or weapons of any kind.
Illegal drugs
Tobacco products
Complaining and whining


Change of clothes
Cash for parking and CTG merch. Parking is $10. Gear check is FREE.


You must understand and acknowledge that Conquer the Gauntlet™ is a grueling, difficult, and dangerous obstacle course, and accept the risks associated therewith.

You must comply with all directions given by the staff, directors, and medical professionals. Any uncooperative participants will be removed from the course.

You must be physically able to complete the course without harming yourself or others.

You must wear your participant number facing forward at all times while on the course.

You agree that pictures and videos of you may be used for future promotional purposes.

Participants must be 10 years of age on the day of the race in order to be permitted to run.

No Motor Vehicles or other wheeled devices such as skateboards, bicycles, and rollerblades on the course.

Conquer the Gauntlet™ personnel or staff may remove any participant who is breaking these rules, cheating, threatening harm to himself or others, or for other misconduct.

Conquer the Gauntlet™ personnel or staff may examine and remove any participant who appears to be injured.

There will be restrooms on site, use them. Do not relieve yourself in any other location.


We reserve the right to delay, alter, postpone, transfer, or cancel the race in the event of severe or extreme weather, natural or man made disaster, war or threat of war, lack of adequate participant interest, or otherwise. If we have to cancel the race we will do everything in our power to reschedule it. If the race is rescheduled, you will not have to pay again; however, there will be no refunds. If the race is not rescheduled you will be transferred to another event; however, there will be no refunds.