Tracy Jost is everything that is awesome about OCR. He’s a maniac on the course. He’s a great athlete and a total beast that almost always finishes with his elite belt, but he doesn’t care about placement on leaderboards or reaching the podium. He’s all about the experience, the people, the obstacles, and the challenges. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen Tracy cross the finish line covered in mud with a huge grin on his face, carrying a log or some other random, heavy item, like a kid on Christmas morning. Even better, is the fact that an hour or two later, he’ll be crossing the finish line again. One lap through a course just isn’t enough for this guy. And he always grabs a big group to run again with him, inspiring others along the way on their multiple, epic laps.

CTGs just aren’t the same without Tracy there, but we do know we have to share him! Tracy has run countless Tough Mudders, Spartans, and every other OCR out there. Tracy is a staple in the OCR community and one of the original members of MAOCR. If you are wanting to run a CTG this year, but don’t know anyone else running, rest assured you’ve got at least one friend already ready to run with you, Tracy! He has never met a stranger and has been a huge part in helping to bring in new faces to Conquer The Gauntlet. 2016 is going to be another epic year for CTG, if for no other reason than the fact that Tracy will be around doing his thing!

Thanks for the memories Tracy! Here’s to making many more!!

Benjamin DeBell